Viral! Pegawai Hotel di Cianjur Diduga Mesum di Mushola, Lagi Asyik Meraba-raba Ketahuan

Viral! Pegawai Hotel di Cianjur Diduga Lakukan Mesum di Mushala-ilustrasi-Pixabay
Hal itu pun dianggap mencoreng nama baik hotel juga seluruh karyawannya.
“Jelas memalukan, apapun alasannya aksi mereka telah mencoreng. Tidak hanya nama hotel tapi juga kita sebagai pegawai hotel, nanti bisa disama ratakan kelakuannya. Padahal, hanya oknum saja,” lanjutnya
Dirinya menambahkan, kedua oknum pegawai itu telah diberikan sanksi pemecatan oleh pihak manajemen hotel sejak kali pertama aksi tidak senonoh mereka diketahui.
“Sudah dipecat, karena manajemen tidak mentolelir aksi-aksi asusila seperti tindakan mesum yang dilakukan oleh mereka. Semoga tidak ada lagi kelakuan-kelakuan tidak terpuji seperti itu,” tutupnya.
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JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Viral hotel employee in Cianjur is suspected of committing lewdness and sadly it was carried out in the prayer room
The video circulated on Instagram social media showing that two employees were suspected of committing lewd acts
The 27 second video shows a man in uniform sitting cross-legged while smoking a cigarette and holding a woman in a blue shirt on her lap.
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The man touched and squeezed the breasts of the female employee who was lying on the man's lap
Even though her breasts were touched and squeezed, there was not the slightest resistance from the woman
The woman instead looks engrossed in playing with her cell phone and ignores the man's actions
Knowing that both of them are just fellow workers but not husband and wife or lovers.
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