Lebih Suka Minum Jus Buah daripada Makan Buah Secara Langsung? Ahli Diet Ungkap Fakta 'Buruknya'

Lebih Suka Minum Jus Buah daripada Makan Buah Secara Langsung? Ahli Diet Ungkap Fakta 'Buruknya'

Lebih Suka Minum Jus Buah daripada Makan Buah Secara Langsung? Ahli Diet Ungkap Fakta 'Buruknya'---Freepik

Jadi, meskipun jus buah memiliki manfaat tertentu, penting untuk tidak mengonsumsinya secara berlebihan dan memperhatikan asupan gula dan kalori.

BACA JUGA:5 Jus Buah yang Ampuh Mencegah Penuaan Dini di Kulit, Lansia 50 Tahun ke Atas Boleh Coba

Sebaiknya, berhati-hatilah dalam memilih juara buah, dan pastikan untuk tetap mempertahankan asupan serat dari buah utuh dalam pola makan sehari-hari.

Dengan demikian, Anda dapat menikmati manfaat jus buah tanpa khawatir akan dampak buruknya bagi kesehatan.



Many people think that drinking fruit juice is good for health because it comes from fruit.

However, it turns out that in fact the content of fruit juice is not as pure as imagined.

Clinical registered dietitian at NYC Health and Hospitals Bellevue, United States (US), Jami Zimmerman explained that fruit juice basically contains water, sugar, vitamins and minerals.

However, the sugar content in juice makes it not a perfect drink choice, and can even remove important fruit fiber.


According to Zimmerman, the juicing process removes fruit fiber which helps in blood sugar regulation and satiety.

The combination of lack of fiber and high sugar content makes juice a drink that is high in calories, easy to consume excessively, and can lead to excess calorie intake.

He also states that consuming fruit juice alone can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, followed by a crash that can trigger increased hunger and fatigue.

Therefore, for people with diabetes or other blood sugar problems, it is necessary to be careful with the intake of sugar from juice and consult a doctor to determine whether fruit juice suits their health needs.

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