Lady Nayoan Ngaku Tak Ada Lagi Rasa Curiga Setelah Rujuk Kembali dengan Rendy Kjaernett

Lady Nayoan Ngaku Tak Ada Lagi Rasa Curiga Setelah Rujuk Kembali dengan Rendy Kjaernett

Lady Nayoan Mengaku Tidak Ada Rasa Curiga Lagi Usai Rujuk Dengan Rendy Kjaernett-@intipseleb-Instagram

"Apalagi kecelakaan itu jalan Tuhan. Membuka mata aku semuanya. Ya aku dalam susah senang sama Lady. Itu yang buat aku sadar. Aku nggak mau bikin sakit hatinya dan fisiknya Lady," pungkasnya.

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Lady Nayoan admitted that until now she no longer had any suspicions about Rendy Kjaernett as her husband.

Previously, Lady had an affair with Rendy, whose affair was Syahnaz, Raffi Ahmad's sister.

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Once they decided to divorce, now Lady and Rendy have reconciled with a harmonious family again.

Lady admits that until now she has no prejudice or suspicion towards her husband.

This was conveyed by Lady when she attended the Rumpi No Secret event.

"Thank God, I always feel that way because I see Rendy's behavior, because he never made me suspicious, so I've never been suspicious until now for a year. Because if there's something wrong with him, he PAPs himself," during the Rumpi No Secret event on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

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Lady does not deny that she still likes to be the subject of gossip by netizens after choosing to return to Rendy Kjaernett's arms. Even so, he was used to it and wasn't bothered by it.

"If you say it's going back, I've never wanted anyone to do it, but maybe this is the way to go. Whatever people say, we can't do it, there are always pros and cons," he said.

Meanwhile, Rendy emphasized that he was different from his previous figure. Because he was exposed about his cheating, he became deterred.

"I can only say this, there are people who make mistakes who are properly reprimanded, gently reprimanded, can immediately change, can immediately realize. And at that time what I really needed, was to really have their legs broken, oh yes that's wrong, this isn't right ," he said.

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