Ngotot Ingin Cerai dari Andrew Andhika, Tengku Dewi Pilih Putus Komunikasi dengan Keluarga Sang Suami

Ngotot Ingin Cerai dari Andrew Andhika, Tengku Dewi Pilih Putus Komunikasi dengan Keluarga Sang Suami

engku Dewi Juga Putuskan Komunikasi Dengan Keluarga Andrew Andhika-@tengkudewiputri_tdp-Instagram

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Tengku Dewi felt tired of Andrew's attitude of always hurting her by cheating.

"(Andrew's family) I'm blocking too," said Dewi when appearing on the Ambyar Morning program Wednesday, May 29 2024.

"Because I don't want my decision to change," he explained.

"Yes, what that means is that after the communication is official what the status is, we'll just discuss the child," he continued.

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Dewi also said that her mother-in-law had apologized to her after finding out about her son's affair.

"Mother, I'm sorry for the way her child was treated after I spoke up in the media," he said.

As we know, Andrew Andhika had an affair when his wife was pregnant with their second child and he had an affair with the famous presenter Soraya Rasyid.

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