Wajah Mahalini Sangat Berbeda Saat Tampil Konser, Benarkah Operasi Plastik?
Senin 08-07-2024,07:25 WIB

Mahalini Tampil Beda Wajahnya Saat Konser, Operasi Plastik Kah?-@undercover-Instagram
"It's a shame that Mahalini had to have plastic surgery. Even though she was already beautiful, the character of her Balinese woman's face has disappeared," said a netizen commenting on Mahalini's photo.
"Lini had a nose job because of the doctor's advice, right sis. The problem is that Lini's nasal bones are crooked which is causing her sinuses. If left long term, it could affect the quality of her voice," explained one netizen.
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