Keren! Pegi Setiawan Punya Nazar Ini Usai Bebas dari Penjara

Usai Bebas Dari Penjara, Pegi Setiawan Punya Nazar Ingin Bangun Rumah Sendiri-@ayopalembang-Instagram
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Pegi Setiawan has been declared free and was only the wrong person to be arrested in the case of Vina's death.
Pegi was arrested because he resembled Egi, the perpetrator of Vina's murder.
After being released, Pegi apparently wanted to fulfill her vow, namely that she really wanted to have her own house.
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Not only that, he also admitted that he would return to his usual activities, namely work.
"After this, I want to go home, rest, continue working," he said in Bandung, Friday 11 July 2024.
Apart from admitting that he wants to return to work immediately, Pegi also has the desire to build his future home.
"I also want to build a house as a shelter in the future," he said.
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"My vows, as I have said from the start. If there is more sustenance, God willing, I want to donate to the prayer room or mosque," he said.
Due to his freedom, Pegi admitted that he was very happy.
"Words can't say it, I'm very happy," he said.
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