Jelang Hari Kemerdekaan, Lapangan Upacara IKN Dijamin Bebas Banjir

Jelang Hari Kemerdekaan, Lapangan Upacara IKN Dijamin Bebas Banjir

Jelang Hari Kemerdekaan, Lapangan Upacara IKN Dijamin Bebas Banjir-@jktinfo-Instagram

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - The independence day ceremony will be held in two places, namely in Jakarta and also at IKN.

The next ceremony administrator at IKN ensures that the ceremony venue at IKN is guaranteed to be flood-free.

The IKN Ceremony Field is in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) which is located at the top of North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan.

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This was conveyed directly by the Chair of the IKN Infrastructure Development Planning Task Force, Imam Santoso Ernawi

"At the beginning, we had determined that the location would be free from 100 year floods, the peak," said Imam at IKN Thursday, July 11 2024.

However, the IKN Task Force is still anticipating water storage if heavy rain occurs at the 79th Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia on 17 August 2024. 

"So we take advantage of several places where there are reservoirs, the retention pond is a place for airing," continued Imam.

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And there is a little information that during the construction of the IKN, drainage has also been prepared which is designed in such a way as to ensure that the new national capital is not flooded. 

Unfortunately, not all IKN areas are guaranteed to be safe from flooding. 

There are still Development Areas which are areas prone to flooding.

"It's in WP 2 near the Sepaku Market and flood prevention is being carried out there," concluded Imam.

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