Jelang Pilkada 2024, Kemenag Siapkan Langkah Cegah Konflik

Jelang Pilkada 2024, Kemenag Siapkan Langkah Cegah Konflik

Jelang Pilkada 2024, Kemenag Siapkan Langkah Cegah Konflik---Istimewa

Bagi Adib, kerja sama tersebut harus dimulai dari tingkat pusat melalui MoU. 

Sehingga, stakeholder di daerah dapat langsung menjalankan tugasnya. 

"Nanti, kita lakukan piloting di beberapa daerah. Sehingga jika sudah bulat, kita terapkan secara nasional. Ujungnya, kita memiliki Peta Nasional Bangun Harmoni," tuturnya.

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JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Soon we will enter the 2024 regional election schedule simultaneously.

Anticipating undesirable events, the Ministry of Religion has also prepared steps to prevent conflict.

For information, the 2024 regional elections will be held in November 2024.

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This was conveyed by the Director of Islamic Religious Affairs and Sharia Development, Adib.

"Now the atmosphere in the regions has warmed up again ahead of the regional elections in November. We will immediately encourage efforts to prevent conflict by re-uniting ranks," said Adib in Jakarta Tuesday, July 16 2024.

"We already have an important instrument for conflict prevention, namely KMA Number 332 of 2023. All Ministry of Religion officials from central to regional must implement it," he continued. 

Adib also said that the government has a system to handle a number of conflicts that occur in society. 

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According to him, the system will be optimal if there are human resources capable of running it. 

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