Ini Alasan Kemendikbudristek Hapus Penjurusan SMA: IPA, IPS dan Bahasa

Ini Alasan Kemendikbudristek Hapus Penjurusan SMA: IPA, IPS dan Bahasa

Alasan Kemendikbudristek Menghapus Penjurusan SMA : IPA, IPS dan Bahasa Ditiadakan!---Istimewa

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - The Ministry of Education and Culture has shocked the public because of its recent policy where there are no longer high school majors for science, social studies and languages.

This is done because currently the learning method uses the independent curriculum.

The Ministry of Education and Culture also has definite reasons for eliminating majors in high school.

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This was conveyed by the Head of the National Curriculum and Educational Assessment Standards Agency (BSKAP) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Anindito Aditomo.

Anindito explained that the elimination of majors in high schools has been implemented in stages since 2021.

"In the 2022 academic year, around 50% of educational units have implemented the Independent Curriculum. "In the 2024 academic year, the level of implementation of the Independent Curriculum has reached 90-95% for elementary, middle and high school/vocational schools," said Anindito in a written statement Wednesday, July 17 2024.

This independent curriculum allows you to choose subjects more freely according to your interests, talents, abilities and aspirations for further study or career.

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Not only that, students can even focus more on building a knowledge base that is relevant to their interests and future study plans.

According to Anindito, more focused and in-depth preparation is difficult if students are still grouped into science, social studies and language majors. 

He also added that when there was a division of majors, most students chose the science major not necessarily based on reflections about their talents, interests and career plans, but because the science major was given more privilege in choosing study programs at university.

Not only that, the elimination of majors in high school also eliminates discrimination against non-science major students in the national selection of new students.

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