Indigo Miyan Sumaryana Prediksi Gempa Bumi di Beberapa Wilayah: Jawa Barat Waspada!

Indigo Miyan Sumaryana Prediksi Gempa Bumi di Beberapa Wilayah: Jawa Barat Waspada!

Indigo Miyan Sumaryana Prediksi Gempa Bumi di Beberapa Wilayah: Jawa Barat Waspada!-freepik-freepik

"In the Bali area there are still earthquakes towards the end of the year and in Bali this is quite strong so that the house is shaking and the water is also shaking, the scale is 3, 4, don't reach 7.1," he explained.

It didn't stop there, Miyan also said that there was a chance that a very large scale earthquake would occur in several regions in Indonesia.

"There are numbers 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, the location is called Sulawesi, then Kalimantan, Bali, Pangandaran, Bogor feels like Jakarta, in the Malaysian border area," said Miyan Sumaryana.

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