Ini Timeline Kereta Otonom Tanpa Rel Buatan China Mengaspal di IKN, Catat Tanggalnya!

Jangan Lupa Catat Tanggalnya! Berikut Timeline Kereta Otonom Tanpa Rel Buatan China Mengaspal di IKN-@infoterkini-Instagram
ART merupakan kereta berpemandu lidar (deteksi dan jangkauan cahaya) untuk angkutan penumpang perkotaan.
"Sistem ART dapat beroperasi secara mandiri tanpa memerlukan sensor pemandu," imbuh Ale.
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - You must know the date that there will be an autonomous train without tracks made in China that will be on the road at IKN.
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This train will be tested for the first time at IKN on August 10 2024.
The ART, which is produced by the Chinese state-owned company CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Co Ltd and Norinco, was sent from Shanghai, across the South China Sea route.
The arrival of the train was informed by the Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation of the IKN Authority, Mohammed Ali Berawi.
Ali said that ART would arrive in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, in the fourth week of July 2024, or a maximum of 24-27 July 2024.
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The custom clearance process or official permit and complete shipping documents will be carried out at Semayang Port, Balikpapan, from the moment of arrival.
"After clearance, the facilities will be mobilized to IKN on July 30 2024, and arrive at the location on the same day," said Ale at IKN Sunday, July 21 2024.
Installation and self-testing by the ART CRRC Zhuzhou & Norinco technical team will take place over three days, from July 31 to August 2, 2024.
"The route that will be used for the PoC is Jalan Axis Nationality, West Side. The markings have been installed," added Ale.
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