Kabar Terbaru! Ammar Zoni Dituntut 12 Tahun Penjara Terkait Kasus Narkoba

Kabar Terbaru! Ammar Zoni Dituntut 12 Tahun Penjara Terkait Kasus Narkoba

Kabar Terbaru! Ammar Zoni Dituntut 12 Tahun Penjara Terkait Kasus Narkoba-@folkative-Instagram

Jon said that all decisions and paths in life have been determined by God.

"The important thing is that you get closer to Allah."

"Because God determines all of that," he said.

Jon believes that justice will definitely come to the right person.

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"If you are right, justice will definitely come," he said.

Even so, Jon said that his client certainly felt stressed because of these demands.

However, Jon said that there is still a possibility that these demands could change later.

"Yes, he must be stressed, because he imagines he will be inside for 12 years."

"Even though this is just a demand, many people demand that they be free for 12 years, right?"

"Because the charges are not final, right, and the judge decides the verdict," explained Jon.

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