Kabar Baru! Bikin SKCK Wajib Aktif BPJS

Kabar Baru! Bikin SKCK Wajib Aktif BPJS---Istimewa
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - The latest news is that if you want to make an SKCK, of course you have to meet the latest requirements that have been made.
For your information, there is a rule that if you want to make an SKCK you must use an active BPJS.
These provisions are as regulated in Article 4 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation Number 61 of 2023 concerning the Issuance of SKCK.
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As explained in Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022, the National Police is one of the institutions that must support the implementation of National Health Insurance (JKN).
Regarding the requirements for making SKCK, it is mandatory to use BPJS Health, this was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations of BPJS Health, Rizzky Anugerah.
"The conditions for active JKN participation are explicitly stated in article 4 paragraph (1) of the regulation," said Rizzky in his statement.
According to Rizzky, this step is not only a form of administrative policy, but also part of the collaboration between BPJS Health and the Indonesian Police to implement Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2022.
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