PJ Gubernur Jakarta Pastikan Paskibraka Tetap Pakai Jilbab Saat Upacara di IKN

PJ Gubernur Jakarta Memastikan Paskibraka Tetap Pakai Jilbab Saat Upacara di IKN---Istimewa
The use of the hijab is required for paskibraka who have Islamic religious status.
"We are good at the central level, who will raise the flag tomorrow, August 17, and continue to wear the same way our younger siblings register to wear the hijab," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall Wednesday, August 14 2024.
Heru also explained that several female Paskibraka members were seen wearing black headscarves during the dress rehearsal at IKN Nusantara this Wednesday morning.
"I don't know at the time of the inauguration, but our orders are to ask all young women who wear the hijab to continue wearing it," said Heru.
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Heru also mentioned that the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) did not report the order for the female Paskibraka to remove the hijab to his party. But now, he said, BPIP has coordinated with President Joko Widodo's Secretariat.
"The result is that young girls must, as they registered, wear the hijab and continue to wear it," said Heru.
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