Konser Dewa 19 Dihentikan karena Menyalahi Aturan, Bawaslu Siap Ambil Langkah Tegas

Konser Dewa 19 dihentikan-@ahmaddhaniofficial-Instagram
BACA JUGA:Erick Thohir Tanggapi Pengunduran Diri Ahok dari Pertamina, Ini Ciri-ciri Sosok Penggantinya!
Sebagai informasi, jadwal kampanye bagi masing-masing peserta Pemilu 2024 telah dijadwalkan oleh KPU. Tercatat bahwa di tanggal 3 Februari 2024 menjadi jadwal pasangan calon nomor urut 1, Anies-Muhaimin untuk berkampanye.
Konser itu berlangsung pada pukul 12.00 WIB yang dimulai dengan acara Pesta UMKM dan Urban Festival. Lalu, acara tersebut dilanjut dengan Konser Dewa 19 dan terjeda saat shalat magrib berlangsung. Meski telah diimbau untuk menghentikan acara tersebut, Konser Dewa 19 tetap berlangsung dan menyelesaikan acaranya hingga pukul 22.00 WIB.
English Version:
Dewa 19 Concert Stopped for Violating Rules, Bawaslu Ready to Take Firm Steps
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Ahmad Dhani's concert entitled 'Prabowo-Gibran's One Round Gaspol at the Jatim Expo, Surabaya on Saturday, February 3 2024 must be stopped by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).
This was because the concert was deemed to have violated the campaign rules that had been decided by KPU.
Chairman of Bawaslu Surabaya Novli Bernado Thyssen even went up to the stage and stopped the big concert.
Novli, who went up on stage, immediately instructed that Dewa's concert had to be stopped.
"I am Novli, Chair of Bawaslu Surabaya, asking the committee to stop the concert. Because this concert violates campaign regulations," said Chair of Bawaslu Surabaya, Novli Bernado Thyssen at the Jatim Expo, Surabaya, East Java on Saturday 3 November 2024.
In his statement, Novli said that his party had asked to stop this activity, but it was still ignored.
"Previously, we appealed to them to stop these activities. However, they were either ignored or not carried out," he said.
Because there was no response, Bawaslu finally took firm steps by stopping the concert.
"So, when we have carried out preventive measures in the form of appeals but there is no response, our next action is to stop the process," he explained.
He said that his party would further investigate the violation.
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