Mau Makan Enak Tapi Takut Kolestrol Naik? Tenang, Ini 5 Rekomendasi Hidangan yang Cocok

Mau Makan Enak Tapi Takut Kolestrol Naik? Tenang, Ini 5 Rekomendasi Hidangan yang Cocok

Mau Makan Enak Tapi Takut Kolestrol Naik? Tenang, Ini 5 Rekomendasi Hidangannya---Freepik


Dark chocolate has benefits for heart health and cholesterol levels when consumed in moderation.

To get optimal benefits from dark chocolate, choose products with a cocoa content of 70 percent or more.

Apart from that, fatty fish are also recommended for consumption. Fish such as salmon are a source of omega 3 fatty acids which can help increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

High levels of good cholesterol can help regulate cholesterol levels to keep them in a healthy condition.


Avocados are also a food rich in healthy fats. Consuming avocados can help reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol.

However, consumption of avocados should not be excessive because the fat content is quite high in them.

Apart from the three foods above, nuts also help in regulating cholesterol levels. Nuts contain healthy fats and fiber.

Regular consumption of nuts can help manage cholesterol levels and support heart health.


Tosh recommends consuming about 1-2 ounces of nuts or about 28-56 grams per day.

Berries are also a food that can help lower cholesterol levels. These fruits are rich in antioxidants and fiber, such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.

Tosh recommends consuming berries directly or processing them into breakfast menus and shakes.

Healthy dietary changes, by including some of these foods in the daily menu, can be effective in controlling high cholesterol levels.

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