Bikin Merinding! Kemunculan Langit Hijau di Dubai Setelah Banjir Besar Melanda

Bikin Merinding! Kemunculan Langit Hijau di Dubai Setelah Banjir Besar Melanda

Bikin Merinding, Langit Di Dubai Hijau Setelah Banjir Melanda---X

Bohren menyampaikan bahwa sinar Matahari di balik badai petir dilemahkan dan dihamburkan oleh hujan dan/atau hujan es sehingga menghasilkan rona kebiruan.

"Jika badai petir ini terjadi sekitar Matahari terbit atau terbenam, ketika Matahari tampak lebih merah/oranye/kuning karena perjalanan sinar Matahari yang lebih panjang melalui atmosfer, badai petir tersebut mungkin terlihat lebih hijau," jelasnya.

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - The photo circulating showed the sky in Dubai turning green after the flood.

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Dubai residents feel deep fear because several disasters occurred in the country that do not usually occur.

Even though there are some areas that are in darkness during the day, in others the residents are actually enchanted by the view of the amazing green sky.

This is a rare incident caused by the bad weather that hit the area in the last few hours.

There was an eyewitness who wrote on the X/Twitter application.

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"I don't usually post, but the sky turned green today and it felt so eerie and intimidating as if it were science fiction." he said.

The existence of green skies that scares many people has finally been explained by meteorologists.

Meteorologists also produced a joint study explaining why the sky glows green, and the cause is still debated.

A number of studies link green skies to thunderstorms.

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