Viral Nasihat Khusus Billy Syahputra untuk Chandrika Chika Soal Narkoba: Itu Enggak Diperbolehin

Ternyata Chandrika Chika Pernah Dinasihati Billy Syahputra Soal 'Narkoba'-@intipseleb-Instagram
English Version :
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - It turns out that Chandrika Chika was once advised by Billy Syahputra regarding drug issues.
This advice was given to Billy 5 months before Chika was arrested by the South Jakarta Metro Police police team.
Chika's arrest was carried out on Monday, April 22 2024 in the Kuningan area.
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The advice that Billy gave Chika was conveyed via Billy Syahputra's YouTube account.
At that moment, Olga Syahputra's younger brother warned Chandrika Chika not to use drugs in her current social circle.
"Realistically, Ma, Billy always says to Chika, "Chika, the important thing is don't do drugs, that's the most important thing, if you have friends or someone's birthday, we party once or twice a month, that's better, no problem," said Billy Syahputra in video footage uploaded via his personal YouTube channel.
"We're still young, we're called young party souls, in the sense that our party is having fun with friends who are having an event, that's not the thing that we came to the club for, to have fun with all kinds of quotation marks without drugs, right? it's not allowed," he continued.
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As we know, Chika consumed marijuana in an electronic cigarette, namely a vape, because she was instigated by her friend.
Chika was arrested along with five of his friends who are currently suspects in his case.
Chika has been consuming marijuana for a year now with her friends.
"We have carried out an examination of sister CK, she has recognized the narcotics for more than a year," said Deputy Head of Narcotics Research, AKP Reska Anugrah at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, April 23 2024.
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