Jadi Korban KDRT? Jangan Takut, Langsung Laporkan ke Nomor Darurat Ini

Bisa Keulang Terus Menerus! Laporan Segera ke Nomer Ini JikaAlami KDRT---Istimewa
JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Domestic violence can recur over time and domestic violence can make you physically and mentally ill.
In recent times, cases of domestic violence have often occurred among artists, such as what is currently being experienced by Cut Intan Nabila.
Cut Intan Nabila experienced domestic violence by her own husband who was busy carrying out extramarital affairs.
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A clinical psychologist, Gisella Tani Pratiwi, gave instructions for victims of domestic violence to report the violence.
If you are unsure about asking close relatives for help, psychologists advise domestic violence victims to seek help through available service facilities.
"Seek information for help. In Jakarta there is a hotline 112, there is a P2TP2A (Integrated Service Center for the Protection of Women and Children)," said clinical psychologist Gisella Tani Pratiwi in Jakarta Wednesday, August 14 2024.
Especially for the Jakarta area, Gisella suggests calling the Jakarta Provincial Center for Women and Child Protection hotline directly via number 081317617622.
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For victims of domestic violence outside Jakarta, you can access the cari jasa.com site for help in finding the closest protection service agency to where you live.
"This is a service for victims of domestic violence in several regions in Indonesia, quite complete, cari jasa.com," suggested Gisella.
Not only that, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) also provides access to reports related to acts of violence. The public can report cases of violence via the Friends of Women and Children (SAPA) call center 129 and WhatsApp number 0811 129 129.
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