Aksi Pencuri di Kalteng Berujung Tragis: Kepala Terjepit Pintu Hingga Tewas di Tempat!

Aksi Pencuri di Kalteng Berujung Tragis: Kepala Terjepit Pintu Hingga Tewas di Tempat!

Aksi Pencuri di Kalteng Berujung Tragis: Kepala Terjepit Pintu Hingga Tewas di Tempat!-@info.negeri-Instagram

The thief's death drew various reactions from netizens. Some of them warned that the Kalimantan area has strong mysticism.

"This is Kalimantan, man !!! Don't play around," commented netizens.

"scary, the invisible fence ...," said netizens.

This incident is also a lesson for all parties to be more vigilant against criminal acts that can happen at any time. Although the thief's actions ended tragically, stealing is still an act that is unacceptable in society.

This tragic incident in Central Kalimantan is a lesson for all parties. Hopefully, incidents like this will not happen again in the future and we can all live safely and peacefully without the threat of thieves who only want to take other people's rights illegally.

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