Kabar Terbaru! Ammar Zoni Dituntut 12 Tahun Penjara Terkait Kasus Narkoba

Kamis 25-07-2024,11:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

Namun, Jon menuturkan bahwa tuntutan tersebut masih ada kemungkinan bisa berubah nantinya.

"Ya pasti stres lah ya dia, karena dia bayangkan dia akan di dalam selama 12 tahun."

"Padahal kan ini baru tuntutan, banyak kan tuntutan 12 tahun bisa bebas juga kan."

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"Karena tuntutan itu bukanlah akhir kan, dan vonis itu hakim yang menentukan," terang Jon.

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Ammar Zoni has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for a drug case.

This lawsuit was the result of allegations that Ammar Zoni was involved in the practice of buying and selling methamphetamine.

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As is known, Ammar was accused of providing capital to sell drugs to drug dealers.

With the determination of the sentence period, Ammar's attorney admitted that he still supports Ammar.

"We have to provide support first and understand that this is a demand," said Jon Mathias in Jakarta Tuesday, July 23 2024.

Jon Mathias also asked Amma Zoni to get closer to God.

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Jon said that all decisions and paths in life have been determined by God.

"The important thing is that you get closer to Allah."

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