5 Sarapan Ini Bakal Bantu Banget Proses Diet, Dimakan Setiap Hari Auto Kurus!
Selasa 13-02-2024,07:22 WIB

tips diet sehat---pinterest
4. Greek Yogurt with Nuts and Honey
Low-fat Greek yogurt is high in protein and low in sugar.
Add almonds or walnuts and a little honey for a natural sweet taste.
5. Whole Wheat Bread with Avocado
BACA JUGA:Ini 3 Bahan Pembersih WC Bersih, Lengkap dengan Cara Menggunakannya
Whole wheat bread is a good source of carbohydrates
Spread ripe avocado on the bread and add a pinch of black pepper and salt for extra taste.
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