Terungkap Diet Simpel Ala Inul Daratista: Bisa Turun Sampai 30 Kg!

Ini Dia Diet Ala Inul Daratista-@intipseleb-Instagram
The diet pattern followed by Inul Daratista was conveyed through her own Instagram account.
"Even when I walk with my mustache, I'm embarrassed when I walk with the jumbo and the body camera is full of pictures of me," said Inul Daratista in one of her uploads on Instagram @inul.d.
"Then who invited me? If my body is so big and all my blood tests are up, I'm starting to feel sad," he continued.
At that time, Inul was struggling like crazy to lose weight.
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Inul herself maintains her diet and exercises regularly.
However, due to her diet being too strict, Inul became ill.
After that, it turned out that Inul's hard work had paid off successfully.
He managed to reduce his weight from 85 kg to 55 kg.
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Inul eats more vegetables for her diet and doesn't consume rice.
"Ben ayu stays healthy and fit (so she is beautiful, youthful and fresh). I don't eat meat. I eat vegetables and fruit. I rarely eat rice," wrote Inul.
Not only that, he also avoids fast food and is more selective in choosing food menus.
"I avoid salty, sweet, too sour. And I don't eat anything random, eat out a little and avoid junk food," he continued.
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