Tragis! Pedagang Susu Keliling Diseruduk Mobil di Gading Serpong

Tragis! Pedagang Susu Keliling Diseruduk Mobil di Gading Serpong

Tragis! Pedagang Susu Keliling Diseruduk Mobil di Gading Serpong-@jabodetabek24info-Instagram

Semoga kejadian seperti ini tidak terulang kembali lagi di masa yang akan datang. Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi cobaan ini.

Mari kita selalu ingat bahwa kehidupan adalah anugerah yang harus dihargai setiap detiknya. Semoga korban mendapatkan tempat yang layak di sisi-Nya dan mendapat kebahagiaan abadi di surga.

Semoga kita semua dapat belajar dari kejadian ini untuk lebih menghargai kehidupan dan saling membantu sesama. Semoga kebaikan selalu menyertai kita semua.


English Version:

Tragic! Mobile milk trader rammed by car in Gading Serpong

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - CCTV cameras recorded a tragic incident in which a traveling milk seller was rammed by an SUV.

This incident occurred on Jalan Gading Golf Boulevard, near Rainbow Springs CondoVillas Summarecon, Gading Serpong on Wednesday, May 29 2024 at around 11.16 WIB.

The victim was immediately taken to St Carolus Hospital Summarecon Serpong to receive medical treatment, but unfortunately the victim's life could not be saved and he eventually died.

In a video upload from the Instagram account @jabodetabek24info, a mobile milk seller can be seen resting on the sidewalk. The incident occurred on Wednesday, May 29 2024 at around 11.16 WIB.

If you look at the video, the SUV is traveling at high speed. The car with plate number B 1161 COV, silver in color, appeared to have lost control.

Then, the car hit the cart and the traveling milk seller. Then, the car hit an electricity pole and stopped moving.

Due to this incident, the car suffered heavy damage to the front of the car. It can be seen that the front of the car penetrated an electricity pole and damaged the engine and lights.

Meanwhile, the mobile milk cart was seen destroyed and scattered across the shoulder of the road. Meanwhile, the traveling milk seller was seen trying to escape, but unfortunately the car ran over him.

The victim was immediately rushed to St Carolus Hospital Summarecon Serpong to receive medical treatment, but unfortunately the victim's life could not be saved and he eventually died.

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